Wall of Fame

Every year Georgia TSA and the National TSA give out various awards to chapters, chapter members, sponsors, volunteers and more. To recognize our recipients, all of our award winners are listed below:

  • Alumni, Volunteer
    & Sponsor of the
    Year Award

    Alumni, Volunteer & Sponsor of the Year Award

    Georgia TSA recognizes each year the support and leadership of individuals that have continuously given to our organization over a period of time. Through their work as alumni, volunteers, or sponsors they have helped to enhance and further our cause of providing our members with quality educational programs. We appreciate your support and look forward to a lasting partnership.

    Year Alumni Volunteer Sponsor
    2023 Alex Steward None for 2023 Etron Circuit Labs
    2022 Connor Olds Kendall Hadden J&H Aerospace
    2021 Alex Stewart
    & Liam Rowe & Keyarria Mack
    N/A for 2021 Georgia Southern University's
    College of Manufacturing Engineering
    2020 Alexis Gutierrez
    & Angel Tran & Blaire Meldrum
    Paul Markert
    & Larry Moraniec
    & Karen Robertson
    & Deborah Sudderth
    2019 Tia Bolden
    & Trevor Terry
    Mr. Michael Griffin
    & Mrs. Elaine Glenn
    & Mr. Ron Barker
    Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher
    2018 Garrett Pelt Mr. Paul Raines, Dragster Event Judge for many years Scottie Redmond, Redmond Machinery
    2017 Kush Bhatia & Connor Hudgins David Hanks - Author and Nucler Regulatory Commission The GM Foundation
    2016 Greg Foster Brad Crawford - Ola HS AT&T Home Solutions
    2015 Kelah Hendon, Plamen Marinov & Meg Garber Kathy Flowers The US Army Recruiting Battalion, Atlanta
    2014 Sam Slater & Ryan Macdonald Mr. Terry Cotton Sr. & Ms. Alethea Mack Valdosta State University
    2013 Blaire Thrasher Jeff Rosen & Mardy Hendon The Georgia Engineering & Technology Educators Association
    2012 Savannah Shelton Jessica Howell
    2011 Matt Ralston/ Mara Usry Julie Sonnenberg- Klein Rick Foleo Robotics Education Foundation
    2010 Ashlee Hatcher Retta Gavin Learning Labs, Inc.
    2009 Sidney Bryant Julie Cook Savannah College of Art and Design
    2008 George Ray Dwayne Hobbs Art Institute of Atlanta
    2007 Chris Meeks Brett Buffington Learning Labs, Inc.
    2006 Justin Hall John Jack LJ Technical Systems
    2005 Jake Foster Kent Arp KPMG, LLP
    2004 Belinda Foskey & Aaron Perry George King Goodheart-Willcox
    2003 Tonya Isabell Mel Coker & Traci Smith Holmquist Educational Consultants &
    Midwest Technology Products and Services
    2002 Pam Brown Tommy Pitchford L.J. Technical Systems
    2001 Antrone Brewer Brenda Foskey Paxton/Patterson
    2000 Tommy Crane Dianne Strickland Academic, LC
    1999 Kevin Keve Scott Taylor Pitsco, Inc.
    1998 Julie Scoggins Chris Roan Learning Labs, Inc.

  • Administrative
    Support Recognition

    Administrative Support Recognition

    TSA has become an important part of each member's education and experience in school. The support needed for TSA to survive and thrive goes beyond our chapter, to the entire school. Administrator's support our programs by ensuring technology and engineering education classes are offered, allowing us to attend these conferences, and encouraging our members to get involved and do their best in competition.

    We appreciate the support of the Administrative for taking an active roll in TSA.

    Year Admin School System
    2023 Tim Schmitt
    Eric Knapp
    Newton County Schools
    Dekalb County Schools
    2022 Todd Wall
    Tim Baisden
    Rhonda Samples
    Effingham County Scools
    Pickens County High School
    Hall County Schools
    2021 Carol Burke
    Brian Robertson
    Assistant Principal - Newton College & Career Academy
    CTAE Director - Lee County Middle School
    2020 Chad Walker
    Bryan Hicks
    David Sims
    Crystal Jordan
    J. Mark Smith
    Principal & CEO - Newton College & Career Academy
    Principal - Monroe Area High School
    Principal - Ben Hill Middle School
    CTAE Department Head - Ebenezer Middle School
    Prinipal - Woodstock High School
    2019 Dr. Margo Wimbish
    Dr. Rodney Swanson
    Sandy Creek HS, Fayette County Schools
    Arabia Mountain HS - Dekalb County Schools
    2018 Mark Sutton
    Valery Lowe
    CTAE Executive Director - Ben Hill County Schools
    Executive Director,
    Academies and Career & Technical Education
    Forsyth County Schools
    2017 Sheree Tovey

    Jody Reeves
    Regional CTAE Supervisor, Muscogee County School District
    Executive Director,
    Academies and Career & Technical Education
    Gwinnett County Public Schools
    2016 Tim Schmitt
    Jody Reeves
    Newton County
    Gwinnett County
    2015 Kevin Gaines
    Dr. Leslie Clark
    Kerensa Wing
    Dr. Elena Ponder
    Brian Hicks
    Principal, Hart County High School
    CTAE Director, Burke County Schools
    Principal, Collins Hill High School
    Principal, Brooks County High School
    Principal, Monroe Area High School
    2013 Roger Ivey Rockdale Career Academy CTAE Administrator
    2012 Mark Sutton Ben Hill County CTAE Administrator
    2011 Lynn Wilson Lowndes County CTAE Administrator
    2014 Dr. Pamela Pitts Principal of Morrow High School

  • Tommy Pitchford &
    Jim Coffey
    Teacher Award

    Tommy Pitchford & Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award

    In 1982, Dr. Harvey Dean, President of PITSCO, Inc. began a recognition program that honored middle and high school teachers. The Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award, honored Mr. Coffey for the positive and lasting influence, which he had on Mr. Dean and many of his other students. Then in 2002, Georgia TSA lost a dear friend, Mr. Tommy Pitchford whom was also inspirational in the life of Dr. Dean and his family. In 2003, Dr. Dean requested that the Jim Coffey award be renamed as the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award to honor the memory of Thomas Pitchford. Mr. Pitchford was vital in creating the good natured, team spirited atmosphere of Georgia TSA. We truly miss his ability to bring out the best in those around him; however his desire to encourage students to achieve their best lives on in the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award and Scholarship Fund. May his memory continue to inspire and lead us to greater achievements.

    Year MS Teacher HS Teacher Scholarship
    2024 LaShandia Hill Ryan Allred
    2023 Steven Wells Philip Peavy Brook Slone & Duyen Ngo
    2022 Amber Clinton Phil Kinneer Karen Ji, Shreyashi Dutta & Chancellor Tanner
    2021 Kimberly Acosta Joe Fuqua David Clemons
    & Brett Menard
    & Kevin Maranto
    2020 Curt Johsnon Tommy Nguyen John M Gordy
    Adeline Fitts & Samina Patel
    2019 Heather Elo Camelia Calvert Chris Bellflowers
    & Olivia Fountain
    2018 Eric Knapp
    & Nathan Williams
    Jeff Olney Andrew Thomas
    & Benjamin Shifrin
    2017 Christy Craven Travis Hodges Swapnil Lad
    & Clarisse Matyzyk
    2016 Heather Elo John Newton
    & Cammie Lund
    Assim Hirani
    & A.C. Williams
    2015 Kathy Hall Chuck Lockert Tia Bolden
    2014 Greg Terry Jess Bush Thomas Lebsekal
    2013 David Phillips Nick Crowder,
    Jim Chamberlain
    & James O’Connor
    Wesley Newton
    2012 Curt Johnson Cory Booth Isabella Connor,
    2011 Heather Elo Terry Cotton Jackson Kicklighter
    2010 Rob Garber Steve Price Nathan Bates
    2009 Steve Wells Michael Goltzer Damon Smith
    2008 Roland Williams Mark Crenshaw Curtis Mathis
    2007 Kay Tyson John Newton &
    Ricky Walker
    Inga Easterling, Scholarship
    2006 Carol Burke John Kirby Brice Fogle, Scholarship
    2005 Greg Terry Tim Schmitt &
    Christie Schmitt
    Aaron Feldser
    2004 David Phillips Danny Webb Blaire Thrasher
    2003 Christie Schmitt Terry Cotton Tonya Isabell
    2002 Curt Johnson Steve Price, High
    2001 Ken Mitchell Jeff Wyrick
    2000 David Bryson Kelly Jean Fede
    1999 Jeff Wyrick John Newton
    1998 Denmark Garcia Angela Quarles
    1997 Greg Terry Scott Brown
    1996 David Phillips Garner Dewey
    1995 Tom Volpe Craig Matthews
    1994 Rickey Walker David Phillips
    1993 Steve Price Todd Vander Velde
    1992 Tommy Pitchford Keith Middleton
    1991 Jeff Wyrick Greg Martin
    1990 Kirk Ware Dwayne Hobbs
    1989 Danny Webb Walter Nix
    1988 David Phillips Michael Scoggins
    1987 Walter Nix Al Money
    1986 Reid Poole Danny Webb
    1985 Charles Caldwell Wallace Hester
    1984 Tommy Pitchford C.L. Daughtry
    1983 Steve Price Ken Mitchell
    1982 Dwayne Hobbs Jack James

  • National Recognition

    National Recognition Award

    Year Advisor of the Year Chapter of Excellence HS Chapter of Excellence MS
    2022 Michelle Davis &
    Angela Quarles
    2021 Joe Fuqua &
    Kimberly Acosta
    2020 Tommy Nguyen &
    Curt Johnson
    2019 Camelia Calvert &
    Heather Elo
    Program Ended on the National Level Program Ended on the National Level
    2018 Terry Cotton &
    Heather Elo
    Parkview HS Harris Co. Carver MS &
    Tucker MS
    2017 Travis Hodges &
    Greg Terry
    South Forsyth HS Hahira MS & Franklin Co. MS
    2016 John Newton &
    Kelley Gaines
    Lowndes HS Hart County MS
    2015 Jess Bush &
    Kathy Hall
    South Forsyth HS
    Gwinnett School of MST
    Rothchild Leadership Academy
    2014 Terry Cotton &
    Greg Terry
    Parkview HS Harris County Carver MS
    2013 Barry Gillespie &
    Blaire Thrasher
    Collins Hill High School East Coweta MS
    2012 Cory Booth &
    Curt Johnson
    Monroe Area HS &
    Parkview HS
    Hahira MS
    2011 Gwen Cook Collins Hill HS &
    Hart County HS
    Brooks County MS
    2010 Carolyn Smith
    Robert Garber
    Dawson County HS &
    Lowndes HS
    Marshall MS
    2009 Terry Cotton
    Attallaka Harris-Williams
    Crawford County HS &
    Monroe Area HS
    Franklin County MS
    2007 Greg Terry & Christie Schmitt Rodney Ragsdale & Clint Johnson - Coffee HS
    Terry Cotton - Parkview HS
    Fred Stillwell - Fannin Co. MS
    2006 Michael Griffin & Carol Burke Steve Price - Riverdale HS
    Donna Davis - Irwin Co. HS
    Fred Stillwell - East Cobb MS
    2005 Steve Price & Kae Tyson John Newton - Lowndes HS
    Tim & Christie Schmitt - Lovejoy HS
    Ken Mitchell - Toombs Co. MS
    2004 Steve Price & David Phillips Terry Cotton - Parkview HS
    John Kirby - Mt. Zion HS
    David Bryson - Fannin Co. MS
    2003 Ken Mitchell - Toombs Co. MS Michael Griffin - Toombs Co. HS
    Crimora Stanley - Fitzgerald HS
    Christie Schmitt - Lovejoy MS
    2002 Charles Kachmar Steve Price & Dianne Irwin Curt Johnson
    2001 Scott Brown Mark Flowers & Tim Schmitt Ken Mitchell
    2000 John Newton Scott Brown & Reginald Wade Greg Terry
    1999 Jeff Wyrick John Newton & Kelly Jean Fede David Phillips
    1998 Greg Shouse Angela Powell & Tommy Shrouder Tom Volpe

    Additional Awards

    • Verizon App Challenge Best in Nation - Johns Creek HS
    • TEAMS National Runner-up - Woodstock HS
    • National President - Jack Crawford

    • LEAP Legacy Chapter - Pickens High School - 3rd Place
    • LEAP Legacy Chapter - Woodstock High School - 5th Place
    • Inaugural LEAP Legacy Chapter - Lowndes High School

  • GaTSA
    Legacy Award

    GaTSA Legacy Award

    The GATSA Legacy Award recognizes individuals who have served in many roles that have contributed to the betterment, growth and well-being of our association for an extended amount of time . These members of the GATSA family will forever be part of the legacy of this great organization.

    Year Honorees Accolades
    2023 Don Morgan Mr. Morgan graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1976 and began teaching horticulture at Lloyd High School in Erlanger, Kentucky in 1976-77.  He then moved to Quitman, Georgia where he taught agriculture from 1977-1981.  Mr. Morgan took a hiatus from teaching for a little while. He returned to teaching in 1999 at Quitman Elementary School and then began teaching Technology Education and Engineering in 2002 at Brooks County High School. He was recognized as the STAR Teacher in 2013-14. During this time he also led 4th and 5th grade STEM Summer Workshops. Mr. Morgan’s TSA chapter was one of ten schools selected to pilot VEX robotics in Georgia and they competed at the World Finals in their second year. Morgan was the president of the teacher’s organization, GETEA in 2012-13. He was a Georgia TSA event coordinator and manager and served multiple terms on the Georgia TSA Advisory Council and Board of Directors, but one of Mr. Morgan’s greatest contributions has become one of Georgia TSA’s very popular signature events at our Fall Leadership and State Leadership Conferences, the Electrathon. In 2008, Mr. Morgan founded Georgia Electrathon and he was instrumental in bringing the competition to Georgia TSA. He coordinated all of the Georgia TSA Electrathon events through 2017. He is currently semi-retired.
    2023 David Shepard Mr. Shepard began teaching in Montgomery, Alabama in 1995.  In 1996 he moved to Georgia.  In 2004 he began teaching Technology Education in Peach County and became a TSA advisor.  In 2006 he returned to his alma mater, Crawford County High School where he has taught Technology Education, Manufacturing, and Engineering.  His TSA chapter has been an Electrathon participant since the early years of the competition and he  has had multiple state champions in a variety of events including Chapter Team and Flight Endurance.  He attributes his success in TSA to the network of friendships that have become like family.  He has served multiple terms on the Georgia TSA Board of Directors.  He has coordinated and managed many Georgia TSA events through the years and served as a National TSA coordinator for Software Development and for Flight. Mr. Shepard has been the “voice of Georgia TSA” announcing for many of the sessions and Awards Ceremonies for the past eight years.
    2023 Barry Gillespie Mr. Gillespie  graduated from Central Connecticut State College in 1981 with a teaching degree in Industrial Arts Education. He began his teaching career working for Trumbull Connecticut Public schools for six years as both a metal shop and wood shop teacher. While in Connecticut he obtained his Master of Arts in Teaching Degree. After moving to Norcross Georgia, he taught wood shop and Technology Education at Summerour Middle School for five years and then transferred to the then-new Collins Hill High School where he taught Drafting, Architecture and Pre-Engineering for 19 years. There he started the school’s TSA chapter. The chapter attended multiple state conferences and national conferences, consistently finishing at the top. Mr. Gillespie was twice recognized as the TSA Advisor of the year, served as the advisor to multiple state officers, and served on the Georgia TSA Advisory Council. After retiring in 2013 he took a part time job at Peachtree Ridge where he again started a new TSA chapter. For eight years they attended the state conference and multiple national conferences, bringing home numerous top three trophies. In 2021 Mr. Gillespies completely retired from teaching. Over the years Mr. Gillespie helped to start numerous TSA chapters in Gwinnett County, and he continues to volunteer with Georgia TSA.
    2023 Tommy Pitchford Awarded Posthumously - Mr. Tommy Pitchford was a leading figure in Georgia TSA during his 30-year career as a teacher at Valdosta Middle School. He started teaching industrial arts in 1970 after graduating from Berry College. He grew the program’s offerings from a woodworking class to also include drafting and graphic arts. Seeing the important role that technology plays in our society, he guided the program’s shift into the technology and engineering focus that continues today at Valdosta Middle School. Mr. Pitchford believed strongly in the importance of offering students opportunities to expand their learning and to build leadership skills through TSA. Not only did he sponsor a successful TSA chapter at Valdosta Middle School, but he also helped start a chapter at Valdosta High School. Other TSA advisors looked to Mr. Pitchford as a mentor as they launched their chapters. Mr. Pitchford’s students found success at state and national TSA conferences for many years. His students won numerous individual, team, and chapter awards at the conferences. His students have also served in state and national officer roles. After retiring from teaching in 2000, Mr. Pitchford continued to support Georgia TSA as a volunteer. Some of the awards Mr. Pitchford received include: Valdosta Middle School Teacher of the Year, - Georgia Vocational Association Educator of the Year, American Industrial Arts Association Teacher of the Year, TSA Advisor of the Year, Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award, TSA Honorary Life Member Award and Georgia TSA Volunteer of the Year. When Mr. Pitchford passed away in 2002, the Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award, which was sponsored by PITSCO and Mr. Harvey Dean, was renamed the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award as requested by Mr. Dean and the Pitchford family provided the Tommy Pitchford Scholarship was created in his honor. GA TSA later continued the scholarship. Mr. Pitchford loved Georgia TSA, he believed deeply in the mission of Georgia TSA, and he contributed to the positive culture of Georgia TSA. He is certainly a part of the Legacy of Georgia TSA.
    2023 C.L. Daughtry Awarded Posthumously - Mr. C.L. Daughtery  began his teaching career in 1968 at Suman Junior High School in Savannah, Georgia.  In 1969 he moved to Wilkinson County.  Mr. Daughtry had a break in teaching and joined the US Army where he served overseas.  Upon returning, he began teaching  in Jenkins County. In 1980 Mr. Daughtery was named the Jenkins County Teacher of the Year.  He was the recipient of the Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award in 1984 and was the 1985 Industrial Arts Level 2 Advisor of the Year. His Technology Education program was the GITEA and ITEA Program of Excellence in 1997.  That year he was also a state level semifinalist for Georgia Teacher of the Year. He was the Jenkins County STAR Teacher in 1988. During his 32 years at Jenkins High School, Mr. Daughtery supervised 52 student teachers, many of whom are still involved with Georgia TSA including the Program Manager for CTAE at the Department of Education, Mr. Roger Ivey - and myself . In 1987 he was recognized as Georgia Southern University’s Outstanding Supervising Teacher of the Year. Once Mr. Daughtry retired from the classroom & became the technology support person for Jenkins County. He taught for two years at Georgia Southern University before retiring to manage his farm. Mr. Daughtry passed away in 2019, but his legacy to Georgia TSA lives on through all of those he influenced.
    2022 David Richardson Mr. David Richardson has been a long time supporter Georgia AIASA, and TSA for many years. He began working for Learning Labs Incorporated in 1978, but the company was actually founded by his mom and dad back in 1967.  Mr. Richardson first started judging for our organization when our state conference was held at the Castlegate Hotel in Atlanta off of Howell Mill Road.  He judged the electronics competition for years –but then started judging drafting and CAD as technology progressed.  He was instrumental in getting VEX and TSA together in the early days of VEX robotics . Mr. Richardson am now getting closer to retirement but will remain involved with Learning Labs and with Georgia TSA. 
    2022 Robert Fields Mr. Fields began his teaching career at Loganville High School before serving in the US Army.  He then returned home and began teaching at Madison County High School. He started the Industrial Arts club at Madison County High School in 1981 when TSA was known as AIASA.  He was there 1986.  He then moved schools to Oglethorpe County High School in the fall of 1987 and began teaching industrial arts where he also sponsored an AIASA chapter. He continued sponsoring the AIASA chapter at through the name change to TSA until he changed careers in 1998 – when he became the Technology Coordinator of Oglethorpe County Schools. Mr. Fields served on the Georgia TSA Advisory Council in 1992.  In total, he was a sponsor of AIASA-TSA from 1981-1998 and took students to state & national competitions almost every year.  He had students who held state and national offices during his years of sponsorship Mr. Fields also served as the Vice President and President of the Georgia Vocational Association (now known as GACTE)  In 2004, he retired from education with a total of 35 years of service in education.
    2022 Mel Coker Mel joined TSA (then GAIAC) when she was in 7th grade at Summerour Middle School and was part of the organization for 6 years (then GA AIASA) until she graduated from Norcross High School.  She was fortunate to hold several local offices, as well as be National Treasurer in 8th grade, State VP in 10th grade and State President in 12th grade.  The learning and experiences Mel had in TSA were instrumental in her life and career and she has served as a volunteer with and supported the organization since graduating high school (over 30 years).Mel received a degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech and a Master of Business Administration from Georgia State.  She is also a licensed electrical engineer in the State of Georgia. Mel began her career as an Outside Plant Engineer with BellSouth (now part of AT&T) designing telecommunications networks.  She held a wide range of jobs over her career in operations, marketing and strategy before retiring as the Executive Vice President of Strategy and Operations - AT&T Services where she led strategy, consumer research, business analytics and operations for the $110 billion+ annual revenue Consumer line of business.  Mel currently serves on the OnePIN, Inc., Advisory Board, the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Computing Engineering Advisory Board. In addition to supporting GA TSA, she has co-founded and facilitates the EMBARC program, coaching underrepresented engineering students on soft skills.
    2022 Kelly Gaines Awarded Posthumously - Mrs. Kelly Gaines, advisor to Hard County Middle School, who we lost last school year. She was the wife of Hart County High School Advisor, Greg Gaines. Kelly taught engineering and video production and was the STEAM Coordinator. She was the Teacher of the Year in 2019-2020. She was loved in the community and by her students and TSA members. She was a volunteer and taught many interest sessions at conferences. Kelly made some great contributions to our organization
    2022 Ray Ginn Awarded Posthumously - Ray Ginn was the State Director for Industrial Arts Education as well as the original State Advisor for the Georgia Industrial Arts Clubs - before the National Association even existed.
    2022 Harold Quinn Awarded Posthumously - AIASA advisor for Newton County High School was hired as Assistant Director of Industrial Arts Education. Mr. Quinn produced many state officers including another Legacy Award recipient, our own Roger Ivey. He served as State Advisor for GA AIASA through 1986.
    2022 Berley Ruiz Awarded Posthumously - Berkley Ruiz, was the original advisor to Winder Barrow High School, one of the original chapters that formed GAIAC (Georgia Industrial Arts Clubs) He was elected as the very first Chairman of the Advisory Council. His chapter produced the very first student association state president.
    2021 William Hicks Long time Teacher/Advisor. GA AIASA alumni from Carrolton High School, graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Taught at Colquitt County Jr. High School, Lee County High School, Carrollton High School and is the teacher/Advisor at Tucker High School in Dekalb County. Served several terms on our Advisory Council and Board of Directors, Event coordinator or Manager of events at countless GA TSA Conferences.
    2021 John Newton Award winning GA AIASA and GA TSA Teacher/Advisor at Lowndes High School through 2016, Board member. His program produced 6 state officers, including three State Presidents and four National Officers including 1 national President. CTAE Director for Lowndes County Schools from 2016 to 2021. Three time Inspirational Teacher Award winner, two time National Teacher of the Year and four time National Chapter Excellence Award winner and GA TSA Administrator of the Year.
    2021 David Phillips Long time Teacher/Advisor for Franklin County Middle School and for a time advised the Franklin High School chapter as well. Under his tenure at Franklin County Middle School, That program set middle school level records for winning in GA TSA. His middle school program won 22 State Championships from 1990-2014 and named National Chapter Excellence 5 times. His High Franklin High School Chapter produced four state officers, 2 were State Presidents.
    2021 Walter Eugene Nix III A long time Teacher/Advisor and TSA Leader. He began at West Fannin Jr. High School. His students and his Fannin County programs were known throughout the state and nation for excellence and produced a state officers including a state president there, started the Fannin County High School program in 1990 and produced two more state officers, one being elected president also producing a teacher/TSA Advisor – Mrs. Angela Quarles. That chapter won 3 National Outstanding Chapters. “Fort Nix”, the name given to his lab, was famous. At Gilmer High School, he was Teacher of the Year. Multiple Inspirational Teacher Award winner and national advisor of the year. Mr. Nix is now teaching teachers at Truitt McConnell College.
    2021 David Stewart A Teacher/Advisor for the majority of his 42 year teaching Career. Attended the first ever GAIAC conference in 1962. Advisor for Lyons Jr. High where they won 6 consecutive Outstanding Chapter championships and National AIASA overall championships four years in a row. He also taught at Worth County Jr. High and Lyons High School until 1988. Also advised undergraduates at GA Southern University. He became Assistant Superintendent for Toombs County Schools. Served in many leadership roles in GAIAC, GA AIASA and GA TSA. He was on the National Association Board of Directors. He has since retired, and for 30 years has continued to support and participate in TSA as a volunteer State Conference Judge.
    2021 Clifford Holmes The Original GA AIASA State Advisor for GA, Former Industrial Arts Teacher and DOE leader. He taught in Houston County as an Industrial Arts teacher, moved to assistant principal, principal, Supervisor of Vocational Education, Coordinator for Vocational Education, Director of Vocational Education, Assistant-to-Superintendent of Schools and Director for CTAE From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Holmes worked in Atlanta, at the Georgia Department of Education where he served as State Advisor to the Georgia Industrial Arts Clubs (GAIAC) and Consultant in the Vocational Education Department, Industrial Arts Division. He managed the transition of GAIAC to AIASA as the first State Advisor of GA AIASA, which we know today as TSA. Mr. Holmes retired from the Houston County School System as a full¬time employee but remained in a part-time position as Executive Director for Career, Technical and Agricultural Education through 2006.
    2020 Terry Cotton Multiple State HS Championship Advisor/2 time Inspirational Teacher/GA TSA Board Member/GA TSA State Officers/National TSA Event Coordinator/2 time National Advisor of the Year
    2020 Ron Barker Multiple State HS Championship Advisor/2 time Inspirational Teacher/GA TSA Board Member/GA TSA State Officers/National TSA Event Coordinator/2 time National Advisor of the Year
    2020 Robert Garber Advisor/Multiple GA TSA State Officers and National Officers/GA TSA Board Member/GA TSA Board President/National TSA Event Coordinator/National Advisor of the Year
    2020 Michael Goltzer Multiple State HS Championship Advisor/1 time Inspirational Teacher/GA TSA Board Member/GA TSA State Officers/National TSA Event Coordinator
    2020 Steve Price Multiple State MS & HS Championship Advisor/Multiple National MS National Championships/GA TSA Board Chairman/Multiple GA TSA State Officers/4 time Inspirational Teacher/GA TSA State Advisor/National TSA Event Coordinator/Designed National TSA Logo/3 time National Advisor of the Year/National TSA Board President/National Competitive Events Committee Manager/TSA State Advisor of the Year/38 Consecutive GA TSA State Conferences
    2019 Angela Quarles Member/Advisor/Multiple GA TSA State Officers/Inspirational Teacher/GA TSA Board Member/GA TSA Board Chairperson/National TSA Event Coordinator
    2019 Dewayne Hobbs Member/State President 70-71/Multiple State Championship and National Championship MS Advisor/Multiple GA TSA State Officers/2 time Inspirational Teacher/DOE Division Manager/Attended 50 consecutive GA TSA State Conferences
    2019 Roger Ivy Member/1980 State Treasurer/Advisor/CTAE Administrator/DOE Program Specialist/TSA Corporate Board Member