GATSA Awards

100% Advisor Award

Certificate and Pin presented during the State Leadership Conference to Advisors whose chapters have attended all four GA TSA Conference Events

Blue & White Star Program

Help a new chapter get started or increase your chapter membership by at least 10% over the previous school year to earn this chapter recognition. Click here for Information

Legacy Award

This award was created to recognize and remember individuals who have served in many roles in GA TSA for an extended amount of time. Their involvement has contributed to the betterment, growth and well-being of our association. The honorees have been involved as trailblazers, teacher/advisors, and professional leaders. These members of the GATSA family will forever be part of the legacy of this great organization. The list can be found on our Hall of Fame page on the website – Upload a nomination letter including Nominee’s name, former school and a brief explanation of how they earned the nomination to the EMS by the pre-conf submission deadline. Awarded at the Annual State Conference

Impact Award

Award is presented during the State Leadership Conference to GA TSA member(s) whose chapters have completed the nomination form and submitted for judging by the pre-conference. Award Information

Pitchford Scholarship

Graduating Seniors or Currently Enrolled GA TSA Alumni/College Students may apply for this scholarship. See information and application instructions by the link below. Deadline for receipt of application is with the Pre-Conference Event Deadline for the State Conference. Award Information

Statesman Award

This coveted award is earned by demonstrating knowledge of GA TSA Information and History, National TSA Information, Parliamentary Procedure by achieving the Statesman Test minimum score at one of the provided opportunities. The test is scheduled for CORE and Leadercon and is included in the registration fees. Statesman Pins are awarded at the conference where the test was passed. Potential State Officers are required to have passed the test prior to State Officer Candidate Interviews in order to qualify. Check the GA TSA website for the current year study guide. A final test chance is scheduled for January and must be registered in advance for a posted entry fee.

Outstanding Student Award

Award is presented during the State Leadership Conference to GA TSA middle and high school members who have completed the nomination form and submitted for judging by the pre-conference date. Semifinalists are interviewed during the State Leadership Conference. The High School winner receives a Scholarship from the E.H. Culpepper Memorial Fund, an Athens Foundation fund, as well as the trophy. Application can be found in the SLC registration packet.

Georgia Chapter Excellence

This annual award provides an opportunity for Georgia TSA Chapters to showcase their involvement and chapter activities related to The Student Leadership Challenge: Five Practices for Becoming an Exemplary Leader. Participants are required to launch a digital portfolio in the form of a website that organizes the documentation of these activities. State Conference Chapter semi finalist showcase their activities by setting up a display during the Georgia TSA Career Expo.

Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award. Application can be found in the SLC registration packet.

This award recognizes the advisor/advisors of a chapter that has shown excellence through their placement. This award dates back three decades. In 1982, Dr. Harvey Dean, President of PITSCO, Inc. began a recognition program that honored middle and high school teachers for their influence as chapter advisors. The Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award honored Mr. Coffey for the positive and lasting influence he had on Dr. Dean and many other students. In 2002, Georgia TSA lost a dear friend and former chapter Valdosta MS advisor, Mr. Tommy Pitchford, who was also inspirational in the life of Dr. Dean and his family. In 2003, Dr. Dean requested that the Jim Coffey award be renamed as the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award to honor the memory of Thomas Pitchford. Mr. Pitchford was vital in creating the good-natured, team spirited atmosphere of Georgia TSA. The recipient of the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award is the advisor of the chapter that has:

  • received the most points in the SLC Outstanding Chapter Award
  • has attended at least 3 of the 4 GA TSA Conferences during the year and
  • has not previously received it within the last 7 years.
  • Administrator of the Year Award

    This award recognizes the local system administrators for their participation in and support of STEM Education, Engineering and Technology Pathway Courses in their individual schools as well as making it possible for students to participate in TSA events throughout the year. Their leadership, support and involvement makes it possible for students to have meaningful experiences that will help build bright futures long after they move beyond their schools. – Upload a nomination letter including Nominee’s name, position, school or system and a brief explanation of how they earned the nomination to the EMS by the pre-conf submission deadline. Awarded at the Annual State Conference.

    Alumni of the Year Award

    This award recognizes Georgia TSA Alumni who have contributed to the betterment of the association through their dedication after they have graduated and moved on. These former members help at conferences, teach workshops, make presentations, judge competitive events and contribute their time and talents and resources. They are an invaluable resource and contribute to the quality of GA TSA. Upload a nomination letter including Nominee’s name, former chapter and a brief explanation of how they earned the nomination to the EMS by the pre-conf submission deadline. Awarded at the Annual State Conference.

    Volunteer of the Year Award

    This award recognizes an outstanding individual who contributed above and beyond what is expected of a volunteer, for the benefit of the members of GA TSA, either on a local level or state level. Upload a nomination letter including Nominee’s name, chapter and a brief explanation of how they earned the nomination to the EMS by the pre-conf submission deadline. Awarded at the Annual State Conference.

    Sponsor of the Year Award

    This award recognizes one of GA TSA’s contributing sponsors for their support of the association by way of financial contribution and or in-kind support.