GA TSA has multiple opportunities for volunteers to get involved. If you are interested in experiencing one of our conferences and contributing as a judge, we need volunteer judges at three conferences where we have multiple competitive events. There are also opportunities to provide information to our members regarding leadership skills and careers involving engineering and STEM.
The first is GA TSA "Tech Day" at the Georgia National Fair. Held on the Perry, GA fairgrounds in the McGill Building in early October. For this year’s specifics use this link to our Tech Day Page. Judges are needed for the six on-site performance events we have that day.
Our largest conference with over 70 different middle and high school engineering, STEM and leadership focused competitive events is held in March at the Classic Center in Athens, GA. For the current school year details use this link - State Leadership Conference. The Registration Packet has details, including the competitive events list. We also offer opportunities for interaction between our middle school and high school members that attend in numbers over 2700 and related business and industry as well as colleges.
Another of our conferences offers an opportunity for business and industry exposure is the Leadercon event on Jekyll Island in November. Table displays as well as leadership interest sessions are provided by a wide variety of our alumni or engineering and STEM related careers and colleges. The weekend conference also includes Robotic Tournaments, an Electric Vehicle Rally as well as a tradition, The Armada Boat Race.
Our Judges Coordinator is Mrs. Sylvia Phillips. If you are interested in Judging at one of these conferences or want more information contact her at judges4education@yahoo.com or myself at sprice@gatsa.org